13:50 <@tehloki> i hate that you cant lock the screen when you're on a call without hanging up
13:50 <@tehloki> what even is that
13:50 <@tehloki> what an untelegraphed hostile feature
13:50 <@esch> smh
13:51 <@tehloki> am i the only person who calls people with the earpods
13:51 <@tehloki> do you sit there holding your phone to your hear and typing with 1 hand
13:51 <@tehloki> trying to figure out what i did wrong here
13:51 <@esch> wat
13:52 <@tehloki> you're so fucking tehloki sometimes
13:52 <@esch> I don't undestrand what you're doing here
13:52 <@tehloki> why did you type SMH
13:52 <@lysol> because you are doing a dumb thing that nobody else wants or cares about
13:52 <@esch> cause you're a spaz
13:52 <@lysol> get an android phone
13:53 <@tehloki> why am i a spaz
13:53 <@tehloki> explain your idea
13:53 <@esch> gettin livid cause your phone has a screen when it's on your desk
13:53 <@tehloki> use your words
13:53 <@tehloki> that isnt what i said
13:53 <@tehloki> i said it hangs up when i lock it
13:53 <@esch> ok cool
13:53 --- dreamghost [dreamghost@cloak-2D175DF2.try.wideopenwest.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
13:53 <@shmup> tehlivid
13:53 <@tehloki> i lock it instinctively when im not using the screen to avoid draining battery
13:53 <@tehloki> this is a normal thing
13:53 <@tehloki> don't defend this
13:53 <@esch> yeah it is a normal thing for you.
13:54 <@lysol> lol
13:54 <@tehloki> don't defend something as worthless as this
13:54 <@lysol> don't argue for something as worthless as this
13:54 <@esch> ,I'm not defending it
13:54 <@esch> I'm arguing that you're a spaz
13:54 <@shmup> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
13:54 <@tehloki> there's absolutely nothing here
13:55 <@tehloki> you're doing this recreationally
13:55 <@esch> yeah we know
13:55 <@tehloki> that's the only explanation
13:55 <@lysol> do you need your diaper changed
13:55 <@tehloki> wow you found the magic words
13:55 <@esch> o'brien's belt in the big diaper
13:55 <@shmup> tehloki: http://quietkit.com/box-breathing
13:56 <@lysol> lol
13:56 <@tehloki> shmup: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/781/923/38d.jpg
13:56 <@shmup> plz be your shitty diaper
13:56 <@tmkf> lol
13:56 <@esch> lysol: why didn't the image thing work with matt lillard
13:56 <@tehloki> the best way to make me angry when im not angry is to tell me how angry i am
13:57 <@lysol> it's technically web scraping
13:57 <@shmup> thanks for the cheatcode tehloki
13:57 <@tacodog> lol shmup
13:57 <@tmkf> tehloki: maybe shmup was doing it recreationally
13:57 <@tacodog> re jog
13:57 <@tacodog> jpg
13:57 <@tehloki> use this in the future when you say something stupid but decide it's more important to make sure i look like a
fool instead
13:57 <@lysol> im not angry i say as i piss my groin with urine and hit my computer with a rock
13:58 <@tehloki> tmkf: if somebody actually nodded their head and made sympathetic noises to literally anything i ever say i'd
probably jizz in my pants
13:58 <@tacodog> firm made popcorn and we'll watch my cousin Vinny during lunch
13:58 <@tehloki> if i have any kind of gripe it's my fault and i'm an idiot
13:58 <@tmkf> tehloki: hm it is true, we all busted up lolling when we heard about dick neck
13:59 <@lysol> dear abby why do my internet acquaintences think im pissing my pants when im a big boy
13:59 <@lysol> oops I can't spell like a big boy
13:59 <@esch> getting mad enough that your phone is on when it sits around that you need to tell people about it is kinda lol
13:59 <@shmup> i dont understand i guess
14:00 <@shmup> i thought you could turn screen off when on calls
14:00 <@shmup> is it that it isnt truly locked or
14:00 <@lysol> if you turn it upside down the light sensor will keep the screen turned off
14:00 <@shmup> yeah ok
14:00 <@shmup> hey tehloki do that ^
14:00 <@lysol> to be honest the screen should dim after a couple of minutes anyway
14:00 <@shmup> my phone is usually upside down. it is right now
14:01 <@tehloki> esch maybe the problem was that i hung up on somebody because i locked the screen
14:01 <@lysol> that is ridiculous
14:01 <@tehloki> but it can't be a normal relatable problem, i'm just a huge autistic spaz and my problems make no sense
14:01 <@shmup> User Error
14:01 <@lysol> yep
14:01 <@tehloki> keep on truckin
14:01 <@esch> well I did that in like 2008
14:01 <@shmup> i think you should fake being cool
14:01 <@shmup> pretend youre not mad
14:01 <@shmup> fake it till u make it
14:01 <@lysol> i liked weedloki so much more
14:02 <@tehloki> yeah that would work after 10 years of firmly establishing i am always mad
14:02 <@lysol> https://keybase.io/blog/keybase-chat
14:02 <@shmup> i think youre jsut talking about esch and lysol, not #mefi
14:02 <@shmup> re: 10 years in here
14:02 <@tmkf> lysol: niceeeeeee
14:02 <@shmup> oh nice
14:03 <@lysol> will keybase chat make coxn come back to #mefi
14:03 <@tmkf> we should probably use it either wya, right?
14:03 <@tehloki> if i left my phone screen on for a 2 hour conference call i think my battery would die before it was over
14:03 <@shmup> turn your phone upside down
14:03 <@esch> so plug it in you fuckin monkey
14:03 <@tehloki> don't you have a charger you fucking buffoon?
14:03 <@tmkf> d^^^
14:04 <@esch> why do people say this: Official blog of Keybase
14:04 <@tehloki> yeah but it's somewhere else and i'd probably forget to grab it before i'd already used like 90% of the battery
14:04 <@Godbert> turn that frown upside down while you're at it
14:04 <@esch> instead of Keybase's Official Blog
14:04 <@tehloki> well that's your fault you nincompoop
14:04 <@esch> this is kinda nice, you can just do the shit for us
14:04 <@shmup> Official Home of the Largest Cherry Pie
14:05 <@shmup> tehloki's left and right lobe are fighting right now
14:05 <@tehloki> the fact that i have an expectation for hostility instead of any degree of compassion or understanding reflects
insanely poorly on you
14:05 <@shmup> take comfort in the fact #idiots-club banned you and you're still here